This includes clinical expertise in the psychological mechanisms underlying mental health disorders and health sciences (Slovakia; UK BA, UPJS); technological expertise to build a DMMH platform under quality management systems (Germany; Movisens); expertise on data protection (Germany; TMF) and cybersecurity (UK; UEDIN), expertise on interoperability to connect DMMH data to different healthcare systems (Germany; UKER); expertise on data science approaches to optimize the algorithms selecting the relevant feedback for each individual (Germany; CIMH); expertise on ethics and regulatory requirements (Belgium; KU Leuven); expertise on co-creation to closely involve all stakeholders, ranging from service users to clinicians and hospital management (UK; UEDIN); expertise on implementation science to develop and evaluate implementation strategies, processes and outcomes systematically, building on concepts and methods of implementation science in healthcare (Germany; UKHD and UK; UEDIN); expertise in health economics to evaluate the cost-effectiveness (Germany; UKHD); expertise with technology commercialisation and exploitation (Belgium, KU Leuven).
At the core of this consortium is a team of clinical researchers from the fields of psychiatry and psychology in Belgium (KU Leuven), Germany (CIMH) and the UK (UEDIN), who have devoted a big part of their research career to the development and improvement of several aspects of the Digital Mobile Mental Health intervention.
These researchers, however, also share a frustration of acknowledging the potential of their work for significantly improving clinical care, whilst seeing very little actual clinical uptake. Therefore, the consortium was extended with researchers from different and complementary disciplines, whose expertise is needed in order to tackle the barriers and identify the facilitators for implementation of DMMH in routine mental health care across 4 different countries in Europe.
Professor and head of the Center for Contextual Psychiatry, and the project coördinator of IMMERSE.
Postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Contextual Psychiatry, and involved in the clinical trials of IMMERSE (WP7)
Financial and administrative coördinator at the Center for Contextual Psychiatry, and project manager of IMMERSE (WP1)
PhD Candidate at the Center for Contextual Psychiatry, involved in the clinical trials in Belgium (WP7)
PhD Candidate at the Center for Contextual Psychiatry, and involved in the clinical trials of IMMERSE (WP7)
Professor and head of the Life Sciences & Society Lab, lead of the Ethical and Legal Framework work package of IMMERSE (WP6)
Senior research fellow at Life Sciences & Society Lab, focused on the ethical, legal and policy analyses of IMMERSE (WP6)
Financial and administrative coördinator at the Center for Contextual Psychiatry, and project manager of IMMERSE (WP1)
PhD Candidate at the Center for Contextual Psychiatry, and involved in the clinical trials of IMMERSE (WP7)
Professor at the Research group of Quantitative Psychology and Individual Differences, provides guidance on developing data visualisation and analyses relevant for clinicians (WP4)
Postdoctoral research fellow at Life Sciences & Society Lab, focused on the ethical, legal and policy analyses of IMMERSE (WP6)
Research coördinator at the Center for Contextual Psychiatry, and project management assistant of IMMERSE (WP1)
Postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Contextual Psychiatry, and involved in the Dissemination and Exploitation of IMMERSE (WP8)
Heisenberg Professor at the dept. of Public Mental Health, lead of the IMMERSE clinical implementation work package (WP7)
Postdoctoral researcher at dept. of Public Mental Health, project manager (WP1), and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE (WP7)
PhD Candidate at CIMH, focused on the development of AI algorithms for WP7
Head of research group Computational Psychiatry, focused on the data analytics of IMMERSE (WP4)
PhD Candidate at CIMH, and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE (WP7)
Research assistant at CIMH, and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE (WP7)
Head of dept. of Theoretical Neuroscience, focused on the data analytics of IMMERSE (WP4)
PhD Candidate at CIMH, and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE (WP7)
Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Centre for Applied Developmental Psychology, involved in the clinical implementation of IMMERSE (WP7)
Postdoctoral Fellow at UEDIN, involved in stakeholder involvement and clinical implementation (WP5 and WP7)
PhD candidate at UEDIN, involved in the clinical implementation of IMMERSE (WP7)
Reader in Design Informatics at the School of Informatics, lead of Stakeholder Experience work package (WP5)
Research Associate at UEDIN, involved in stakeholder involvement (WP5)
Lecturer in Security and the Internet of Things at the School of Informatics, involved in the interoperability work package (WP3)
PhD candidate at UEDIN, involved in the clinical implementation of IMMERSE (WP7)
Professor of Psychology at the dept. of Psychology, involved in the clinical implementation of IMMERSE in Bratislava (WP7)
PhD Candidate at the dept. of Psychology, involved in the clinical implementation of IMMERSE in Bratislava (WP7)
Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology at the dept. of Psychology, involved in the clinical implementation of IMMERSE in Bratislava (WP7)
PhD Candidate at the dept. of Psychology, involved in the clinical implementation of IMMERSE in Bratislava (WP7)
Head of Psychiatric Clinic, Dept. of Psychiatry, involved in the clinical implementation of IMMERSE in Bratislava (WP7)
PhD Candidate at the dept. of Psychology, involved in the clinical implementation of IMMERSE in Bratislava (WP7)
Head of the dept. of Social and Behavioural Medicine, and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE in Kosice (WP7)
Assistant Professor at the dept. of Social and Behavioural Medicine, and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE in Kosice (WP7)
Assistant Professor at the dept. of Social and Behavioural Medicine, and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE in Kosice (WP7)
PhD Candidate at the dept. of Social and Behavioural Medicine, and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE in Kosice (WP7)
Senior Researcher at the dept. of Social and Behavioural Medicine, and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE in Kosice (WP7)
PhD Candidate at the dept. of Social and Behavioural Medicine, and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE in Kosice (WP7)
CEO at Movisens, lead of the Prototype Development work package in IMMERSE (WP2)
Research & Development at Movisens, involved in the Prototype Development work package in IMMERSE (WP2)
Research & Development at Movisens, involved in the Prototype Development work package in IMMERSE (WP2)
Full professor of Medical Informatics at Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, lead of the IMMERSE work package on Data management, Security, and Interoperability (WP3)
Research assistant at University Hospital Erlangen, and involved in the IMMERSE work package on Data management, Security, and Interoperability (WP3)
Deputy Director of Dept. of General Practice and Health Services Research, implementation expert on IMMERSE (WP7)
Postdoctoral researcher in the Research Unit in Health Economics and Health Financing, involved in the economic evaluation of IMMERSE (WP7)
Lead of Research Unit in Health Economics and Health Financing, leading the economic evaluation of IMMERSE (WP7)
Senior researcher in the Research Unit in Health Economics and Health Financing, involved in the economic evaluation of IMMERSE (WP7)
Postdoctoral researcher at the Center for Contextual Psychiatry, and was involved in the Dissemination and Exploitation of IMMERSE (WP8)
PhD Candidate at the dept. of Social and Behavioural Medicine, and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE in Kosice (WP7)
Senior Researcher at Multidisciplinary Centre for Chronic Conditions, and involved in the clinical implementation workpackage of IMMERSE in Kosice (WP7)
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreement 945263 (IMMERSE). This website reflects only the authors' view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains
© 2021 IMMERSE